Extra Armidale Workshop

Wow, the first workshop on Getting Started in Historical Costume and Cosplay sold out in less than 24 hours! Fortunately I’ve been able to schedule a second one, on the morning of the same day – it will be held in Armidale on Saturday, February 10th 2024, from 10.00am to 12.30pm.

Four images of historical costume ith the text: Extra session due to popular demand - Getting Started in Historical Costuming and Cosplay. A workshop with Bronwyn from Stitching History, Armidale Saturday 10th February 10am-12.30pm

Here’s the workshop info from my earlier post:

If you’re interested in delving into historic and historically-inspired clothing, including Steampunk, history-bounding, cosplay, and living history, but not sure where to begin, or how to develop your style, this workshop in Armidale, NSW, is for you! 

We’ll explore how to create your desired ‘look’, either by upcycling thrifted items or making complete outfits yourself. I will have examples to show and we’ll discuss where to find inspiration, patterns, materials, and events to attend. We’ll also discuss the underpinnings to create various historical silhouettes – and debunk some myths about corsets! 

The cost is $10 and includes morning tea and resource notes. Feel free to dress up, or to bring your own costumes or projects in progress. There is a limit of 10 participants due to space requirements, so do book early!




